a good counselor considers the surroundings here the clients woulde be comfortable to make it easier for them to diclose their concers
governmental health centers/ hospital clinics - some clinics are located inside the hospitals and are considered to be one of the different departments in the hospital
governmental health centers / hospital clinics - counselors sometimes choose to be hospital based for they have easier access to medical resources than in any other setting
in the private sector - counselors usually rent spaces where the counseling sessions are conducted.
large group - practices usually have a reception are and a waiting room for clients
smaller - practices usually have a small private waiting room and single person practices have no waiting room at all.
private sector - the counselors can schedule the sessions based on the clients request for assured privacy
civil society
mental health clinics
career centers
school based program
religious spaces - these counselor may counsel on many issues that are more likely revovle around spiritual concerns such as the afterlife forgiveness and morality
home - some family counselors conduct session in the clients home . if having having a stranger in teh house causes anxiety
mental health clinic =- counselors may work with impatient or outpatient cliens . Generally the will handle more mental illness cases that a counselor in private practices
career centers - couselors administer personalitu aptitude and interest assess ments to help people determi8ne a career path ideal for them
school based program - counseling services school aged children vary by locality
for smaller practices private waiting room and single person have NO WAITING ROOM at all
counselor sometimes choose hospital based for they have EASIER ACCESS to medical resources than in any other setting
couselors administer personalitu aptitude and interest assessments to help people determine a career path ideal for them
community counseling centers - usually understand local issues better than others connections with the government and non profit organizations mean that they have access to people and services
college and university based counseling services are usually to enrolled students