
Cards (3)

  • "Part fools! Put up your swords, you know not what you do" - Act 1 scene 1
    -Benvolio represents the adult world- voice of maturity/reason
    -trying to diffuse the fued before prince intervenes
    -asking them to think about the consequences of their actions
    -Benvolio is the only character who thinks about consequences
    -the rest are persuaded by hubris that the consequences will be in their favour
  • "Take thou some new infection to thy eye, and the rank poison of the old will die" - Act 1 scene 2
    -He sees love as an infection as it alters the personality
    -"eye" shows they fall in love with the visible beauty of a woman not personality
    -"rank poison" - when love is unrequited
    - As Benvolio says it, it is presented as a mature perspective
  • "We talk here in the public haunt of men. Either withdraw unto some private place, and reason coldly of your grievances or else depart; here all eyes gaze on us" - Act 3 scene 1
    -"haunt"- trying to prevent duel - hints at death and ghosts
    -tries to reason with Mercutio to do it somewhere private
    -Presents Benvolio as peacemaker - voice represents adult world so it is ignored by Mercutio and Tybalt