Systematic sampling

Cards (9)

  • When is data taken?

    At regular intervals in an evenly spatial context + example of distance between locations
  • It is a more straightforward sampling method than using a random sampling technique.
  • It ensures a good coverage of the area compared to other sampling techniques
  • How could it be considered biased?

    As not all areas on the slope have an equal chance of being selected.
  • On a slope with varying angles, it is possible that specific things, for example, plants could be overlooked due to their position.
  • How are important features being missed out on impact results?
    leading to an over or under representation of a particular pattern
  • Random sampling is entirely random so it could miss out on larger sections of the study area meaning systematic sampling allows for a better representation of data.
  • It is hard to identify proportions of soil depth, or average hight of plant species on the slope so stratifies sampling may be unsuitable 
  • It may be hard to stratify soil depth, moisture, and plant height if that data is not available