Investigating the variables that affect temperature changes and chemical reactions
1. Measure the maximum temperature reached in an exothermic neutralization reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
2. Use a measuring cylinder to measure 30 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid
3. Transfer the acid into a polystyrene cup
4. Stand the polystyrene cup inside a beaker
5. Measure the temperature of the acid using a thermometer
6. Measure 5 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution using a measuring cylinder
7. Transfer the sodium hydroxide solution to the polystyrene cup
8. Fit a plastic lid to the cup and place the thermometer through the hole
9. Gently stir the solution
10. Record the highest temperature reached
11. Repeat the experiment using 10 cm3, 15 cm3, 20 cm3, 25 cm3, 30 cm3, 35 cm3, and 40 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution
12. Calculate the mean value for the maximum temperature reached for each volume of sodium hydroxide solution
13. Plot a graph of the results