Cards (25)

  • Abstract Algebra
    study of algebraic structure
  • Algebraic Structure
    consist of a set and binary operation
  • <S,*>

    Where in S is the set, and * is the operation
  • Algebraic Structures
    Associative Law holds all algebraic structures, but commutative law holds some algebraic structures
  • Sets
    a well-defined collection of objects
  • Null or Empty Set
    set with no elements
  • Closure Property under multiplication
    If a, b ∈ Z, then a ∙ b ∈ Z
  • Closure Property under addition
    If a, b ∈ Z, then a + b ∈ Z
  • Commutative Property
    If a, b ∈ Z, then a +/x b = b +/x a
  • Associative Property
    If a, b, c ∈ Z, then a +/x (b +/x c) = (a +/x b) +/x c
  • Existence of additive identity
    a + 0 = a
  • Existence of Multiplicative identity
    a ∙ 1 = a
  • Existence of additive inverse
    a + x = 0 , namely (x = −a)
  • Cancellation Law
    a ∙ c = b ∙ c implies a = b
  • Distributive Law
    a (b + c) = a ∙ b + a ∙ c
  • Trichotomy Law
    For any two integers a, b ∈ Z, exactly one is true
  • Well Ordering Principle
    Every nonempty set of positive integers contains a smallest member.
  • 2 steps of Mathematical Induction
    1. Basis Step
    2. Inductive Step
  • Division Algorithm
    If a and b are any positive integers, then there exist unique integers q and r, with 0 ≤ r < b, such that a = qb + r.
  • Division Algorithm
    a = qb + r
    a = largest integer
    q = quotient
    b = smaller integer
    r = remainder
  • Linear Combination
    d = ma + nb
  • Subsets
    are the cells of the partition.
  • Properties of Equivalence Relation
    1. Reflexive Property
    2. Symmetric Property
    3. Transitive Property
  • Function or Mapping
    a rule that assign to each element of X exactly one element of Y.
  • Properties of Binary Operation
    1. Commutative Operation
    2. Associative Operation