Reproductive system

Cards (8)

  • Components of the female reproductive system
    • Ovaries
    • Fallopian tube
    • Uterus
    • Cervix
    • Vagina
  • Components of the male reproductive system
    • Penis
    • Urethra
    • Scrotum
    • Testes
    • Vas deferens
    • Seminal vesicles
    • Prostate
  • Function of the female reproductive system
    To produce egg cells and to protect and nourish an offspring until birth
  • Function of the male reproductive system
    To produce and deposit sperm
  • Function of the reproductive systems
    Provides a mechanism for the survival of the species by producing offspring through the combination of eggs and sperm
  • Female reproductive hormones and their uses
    • Oestrogen - puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, bone strength and other functions
    • Progesterone - menstrual cycle, pregnancy
    • FSH - stimulates growth of follicle in ovary
    • LH - causes ovulation
    • Relaxin - prepares mother for birth
    • Oxytocin - causes contractions for labour
    • Prolactin - prepares breasts for lactation and milk production
  • Male reproductive hormones and their uses
    • Testosterone - production of sperm cells and secondary sex characteristics
    • LH and FSH - production of sperm cells (spermatogenesis)
  • Menstrual cycle regulation
    1. Day 1 - menstruation (period) occurs when fertilisation of egg has not happened, lining of uterus breaks down, FSH and LH released
    2. FSH stimulates growth of follicle, which produces oestrogen
    3. Oestrogen stops FSH production to ensure one egg matures per cycle, growth of uterine lining
    4. LH rise causes ovulation, follicle becomes corpus luteum and releases progesterone
    5. Progesterone keeps endometrium thick, if no fertilisation occurs progesterone and oestrogen decrease, menstruation triggered