Sociology is an academic discipline that studies humansociety.
SymbolicInteractionism: The idea that social life is made up of symbols, which are used to communicate meaning between individuals.
FunctionalistTheory: A theory that focuses on understanding society as a whole by looking at its various parts or functions.
Sociology: scientific study of society and human behavior
Macro-sociology: study of society as a whole
micro-sociology: study of small group of behavior
social imagination: a distinction between personal troubles and public issues.
What are the characteristics of social imagination?
collectivity, totality, outsideforces
Sociological Inquiry: A systematic analysis of the motivations and behavior of individuals w/in groups, the study of social groups as a whole and such social institutions.
What are the three steps of sociological inquiry?
Defining the problem, gathering data, analyzingthedata
Independent variable: affects the dependent variable
dependent variable: the variable that you will measure
intervening variable: the variable that you cannot manipulate
What are the three distinct stages used to sort human efforts to comprehend society?
theological, metaphysical, scientific
What leads to development of sociology?: Social upheaval in Europe, Development of imperialism, The success of the Natural sciences
Auguste Comte: Positivism
Herbert Spencer: Social Darwinism
Law of Dynamics: social change
Law of Statics: social order
Auguste Comte: He was the first to recognize that the path to understanding the world and society was based on science.
Auguste Comte: Father of Sociology
Auguste Comte: He believed that society should be understood and studied as it was, rather than what it ought to be.
Herbert Spencer: "the survival Fittest" referring to societies, not living organism, known as social Darwinist
According to Spencer, the major focus of sociology should be social evolution rather than the suggestion and implementation of strategies for social improvement?
Karl Marx: Class Conflict
Emile Durkheim: Social Integration
According to Karl Marx, is human misery lay in the exploitation of the proletariat or the propertyless working class, by the capitalist class which owns the means?
Emile Durkheim: introduced the concept of anonymity
Anonymity: a feeling not belonging (out of place) or having lost a sense of direction or purpose in life.
Harriet Martineau: mother of sociology
Harriet Martineau: A feminist and early advocate of women's liberation
George Herbert Mead : developed symbolic interactionism
Talcott Parsons: formalized the theory of structural functionalism
J. Charles Horton Cooley: symbolic interactionism socio psychological approach to the understanding of society
In what year did UP, Ateneo, and other SU organized the Philippine Sociological Society?
In what year did the institute of Phil. Culture was founded at Ateneo by Fr. Frank Lynch, S.J.
In what year did the community Development Research Council was created, Mary Hollnsteiner, Prospero Covar, Agaton Pal, Fr. Francis Madigan, S.J. were the first who availed of the grant?
In what year did UP first to offer a major in sociology, first Ph.D. was in Xavier University?