Cards (77)

  • Logos: Study of Society
  • Socius: companionship
  • Sociology is an academic discipline that studies human society.
  • Symbolic Interactionism: The idea that social life is made up of symbols, which are used to communicate meaning between individuals.
  • Functionalist Theory: A theory that focuses on understanding society as a whole by looking at its various parts or functions.
  • Sociology: scientific study of society and human behavior
  • Macro-sociology: study of society as a whole
  • micro-sociology: study of small group of behavior
  • social imagination: a distinction between personal troubles and public issues.
  • What are the characteristics of social imagination?
    collectivity, totality, outside forces
  • Sociological Inquiry: A systematic analysis of the motivations and behavior of individuals w/in groups, the study of social groups as a whole and such social institutions.
  • What are the three steps of sociological inquiry?
    Defining the problem, gathering data, analyzing the data
  • Independent variable: affects the dependent variable
  • dependent variable: the variable that you will measure
  • intervening variable: the variable that you cannot manipulate
  • What are the three distinct stages used to sort human efforts to comprehend society?
    theological, metaphysical, scientific
  • What leads to development of sociology?: Social upheaval in Europe, Development of imperialism, The success of the Natural sciences
  • Auguste Comte: Positivism
  • Herbert Spencer: Social Darwinism
  • Law of Dynamics: social change
  • Law of Statics: social order
  • Auguste Comte: He was the first to recognize that the path to understanding the world and society was based on science.
  • Auguste Comte: Father of Sociology
  • Auguste Comte: He believed that society should be understood and studied as it was, rather than what it ought to be.
  • Herbert Spencer: "the survival Fittest" referring to societies, not living organism, known as social Darwinist
  • According to Spencer, the major focus of sociology should be social evolution rather than the suggestion and implementation of strategies for social improvement?
  • Karl Marx: Class Conflict
  • Emile Durkheim: Social Integration
  • According to Karl Marx, is human misery lay in the exploitation of the proletariat or the propertyless working class, by the capitalist class which owns the means?
  • Emile Durkheim: introduced the concept of anonymity
  • Anonymity: a feeling not belonging (out of place) or having lost a sense of direction or purpose in life. 
  • Harriet Martineau: mother of sociology
  • Harriet Martineau: A feminist and early advocate of women's liberation
  • George Herbert Mead : developed symbolic interactionism
  • Talcott Parsons: formalized the theory of structural functionalism
  • J. Charles Horton Cooley: symbolic interactionism socio psychological approach to the understanding of society
  • In what year did UP, Ateneo, and other SU organized the Philippine Sociological Society?
  • In what year did the institute of Phil. Culture was founded at Ateneo by Fr. Frank Lynch, S.J.
  • In what year did the community Development Research Council was created, Mary Hollnsteiner, Prospero Covar, Agaton Pal, Fr. Francis Madigan, S.J. were the first who availed of the grant?
  • In what year did UP first to offer a major in sociology, first Ph.D. was in Xavier University?