Four factors that lead to the development of Sociology:
The turmoil of Industrial Revolution
Thesuccessof American and French Revolution
The success of the Natural Sciences
By the middle of 19thcentury, Europe was changing from agriculture to factory production. Moving in the cities in search for work, they found anonymity, crowding, filth, and poverty. Life no longer looked the same
The turmoilofindustrial revolution
Britain was the birthplace of Industrial Revolution
New ideas arose, including the conviction that individuals possesses inalienable rights
The success of American and French Revolution
Voltaire was a French philosopher and writer of Age of Enlightenment
European had been successful in conquering many parts of the world. This exposed them to different cultures and began to ask why culture differed
Fourth Impetus for the development of sociology
The successofthe natural sciences
Scientific method- Using objective, systematic observations to test theories
Auguste Comte proposes Positivism- using scientific methods to reveal the laws by which society and individuals interact
Harriet Martineau is the First woman sociologist, Political Economy
Karl Marx- Social conflict, communist manifesto- looks at the society as a result of the struggles of different classes
Herbert Spencer- The study of sociology, he favored the government that allowed market forces to control capitalism
George Simmel- addressed topics such as social conflict, micro level-theories
Emile Durkheim- helped establish first European department of sociology at the University of Bordeauz
GeorgeHerbert Mead- Symbolic interactionism and the social self
MaxWeber- Verstehen, and proposed antipositivism
Charles Wright Mills- the sociological imagination, author of the power of elite
Sociology is the science of society and the social interaction taking place among individuals in a social group
The areas of concern of sociology are:
Social organization
Social psychology
Social changeanddisorganization
Population studies
Human ecology
Sociological theory and methods
Applied sociology
Involves the study of social group, social institutions, ethnic relations, social stratification, social mobility, an bureaucracy
Social organization
Studies human nature and personality as the product of group life
social psychology
concerned with the change in culture and social relations and the attendant disruption that may occur
analyzes the population number, composition, change, and quality as they influence and are influenced by the social, economic, and political orders
Population studies
Studies in this area deals with the human behavior of a given population in relation to its environment
human ecology
includes theory building and testing the applicability of the principles of group life
sociological theory and methods
make use of the findings of pure sociological research
Applied sociology
Theory- is a general statement about how some part of the world fit together and how they work
Stress that symbol make social life possible
Symbolic interactionism
things to which we attach meaning
Kayan Lahwi tribe are known for wearing neck rings
Has a central idea that society is a whole unit made up of interrelated parts that work together
Structural-Functional analysis
Auguste Comte and HerbertSpencer viewed society as a kind of living organism
Emile Durkheim saw society as composed of many parts, with its own function
society is in normalstate if its parts fulfill their functions
society is in pathologicalstate if its parts don't fulfill their funtions
Robert Merton dismissed the idea of organic analogy in functionalism
Functions refer to the beneficial consequences of people's action that help keep a group in equilibrium
Dysfunctions are consequences that undermine system's equilibrium
Manifest function- intended to help some part of the system
Latent functions- unintended consequences that help a system adjust