Intro to Comp Pol

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  • Comparative Politics
    The sub-field of Political Science that deals with within-country, empirical political phenomena
  • Political science is the study of the processes by which collective choices are made
  • Comparative politics
    One of the three main sub-fields of political science (with Political Theory and International Relations)
  • Three traditions in comparative politics
    • The study of single countries outside the domestic setting
    • The study of the methods of comparative analysis
    • The application of the comparative method to interactions within political systems
  • Comparative Politics
    • Concerned with empirical arguments (rather than theoretical ones)
    • Concerned with interactions within political systems (rather than between)
  • Empirical questions
    Concerned primarily with accounting for what is
  • Normative questions
    Concerned primarily with what should be
  • Empirical questions are not entirely separate from normative concerns
  • Descriptive questions
    Who, what, where, when questions
  • Causal inference questions
    Why and How questions
  • Answering causal inference questions is more complex, this requires theory and evidence, and generally more research and reasoning
  • Ways of asking causal questions
    • Why questions
    • What are the consequences of...
    • Under what conditions...
    • How do X affect Y
  • Independent variable

    The cause, explanatory variable, X variable
  • Dependent variable
    The consequence, outcome, Y variable
  • Comparative Politics studies will generally start with general questions and then ask more specific questions
  • Comparative politics questions are open-ended: they do not presume a specific answer
  • Concepts
    Abstract generalisations used to describe and categorise the empirical processes we study
  • Concepts are tools for empirical analysis, the first step towards operationalization and measurement of a political phenomena
  • Examples of major concepts in comparative politics
    • Democracy
    • Nationalism
    • Constitutionalism
    • Federalism
    • Identity
    • Gender relations
    • Special interests
    • Social movements
  • Concepts are often simplified accounts of a more complex and nuanced political reality
  • Conceptualization
    The process of identifying, selecting and justifying the concepts we use, and the process of creating new concepts or improving on existing definitions
  • There exists legitimate scholarly disagreements on how to define core concepts
  • Characteristics of a good concept
    • Distinguishable: Should allow us to distinguish clearly between instances and non-instance of the phenomena
    • Categorizable: Should allow us to create typologies
    • Travelable: Should not apply to a single case and should help our understanding of the phenomena in different geographical and historical eras
    • Consistently used in a given study
  • Good concepts are tools for empirical analysis but they are not general theories
  • Disagreements
    Especially rife when a new field of study emerges, e.g. the concept of "populism" in the early 2000s
  • Different schools of thought
    May be attached to different theoretical approaches (for instance deliberative vs. minimal definitions of democracy)
  • Good concept
    Displays the following characteristics (adapted from Sartori 1970): Distinguishable, Categorizable, Travelable
  • Concepts should be consistently used in a given study, e.g. one's definition of democratization should be consistent with one's definition of democracy
  • Operationalization
    The process by which basic concepts (those pertaining to our dependent and independent variables) are made measurable and therefore usable
  • Operationalization should be closely tied to how the concept is defined
  • Ways to operationalize democracy
    • A country holds a free and fair multiparty election
    • Free and fair elections are held, and constitutional law guarantees freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion
    • Two turnovers of government at the ballot box have occurred, in which the ruling party loses an election and peacefully steps down from power
    • There is no verifiable suppression of political participation and expression
  • Evidence
    Facts supporting a claim or an argument
  • Facts may only act as evidence if they are relevant to the concept and its operationalization
  • Qualities of good evidence
    Relevant for the issue at hand, operates at the same level of analysis as the claim
  • Cases
    Units of analysis in comparative politics, examples of a phenomenon to be studied and compared
  • Forms cases can take
    • Country for a period of time
    • Event or set of events
    • Certain group
    • Institutions
    • Other geographic unit
    • Ideologies
  • Comparative method
    A way to make claims based on comparative case studies
  • Most Similar Systems (MSS) Design

    Research design in which we compare two or more cases that are similar with respect to a number of factors, but with distinct outcomes
  • Most Different Systems (MDS) Design
    Research design in which we compare two or more cases that differ with respect to multiple factors, but in which the outcome is the same
  • Comparative checking
    The process of testing the conclusions from a set of comparisons against additional cases or evidence