Module 2

Cards (65)

  • Earth, so far, is the only planet known to support life. It is our home.
  • Because of the Philippine geographic and geologic locations in the planet, our country is gifted with abundant water, fertile soil, diverse flora and fauna, rocks and minerals, crude oil, fossil fuels and geothermal power. These are collectively known as natural resources on which living things depend for survival.
  • This module provides you with scientific knowledge about the different types of natural resources and their examples. You will also learn and become involved on how you can help conserve and protect our natural resources.
  • Most Essential Learning Competency
    Cite and explain ways of using Earth's resources sustainably.
  • Lessons in this module
    • Lesson 1 - Earth's Natural Resources
    • Lesson 2 - Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
  • After going through this module, you are expected to:
    1. describe Earth's natural resources;
    2. differentiate renewable from nonrenewable resources;
    3. explain why Philippines is rich in natural resources;
    4. determine which human practices in using natural resources are sustainable and not sustainable; and
    5. suggest ways on how to use the natural resources sustainably.
  • Our environment has many bodies of water and landforms. The things that we take and use from the environment to survive are called natural resources.
  • Renewable resources
    Resources that can be replaced after using them again and again
  • Nonrenewable resources

    Resources that take a very long time to replace
  • Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are formed from the remains of dead plants and animals that existed millions of years ago.
  • Fossil fuels
    Nonrenewable resources because it takes a very long time to produce them
  • Hydropower
    Energy resource generated from the flow of water
  • Natural resources exist in nature and sustain the needs of all living things.
  • Philippines is listed as the fifth mineral-rich country in the world, third in gold reserves, fourth in copper and fifth in nickel.
  • The Philippines receives year-round sunshine and abundant rainfall that are needed by plants and animals to grow and reproduce.
  • The rich mineral resources can be attributed to the presence of many active volcanoes and trenches in the country.
  • Watersheds
    Areas that supply the water needed by the communities and the varied life forms in that area
  • Severe drought
    May cause rivers and deep wells to dry up
  • Water is a renewable resource
  • Too much rain
    Can cause floods which can wash away the top soil where plants grow
  • Soil
    Formed from rocks that were broken down by physical and chemical weathering along with the materials from dead plants and animals
  • It takes thousands of years for soils to form, so when soils are washed away, it takes a very long time to replace them</b>
  • Soil is a nonrenewable resource
  • The Philippines is recognized as the fifth mineral-rich country in the world, third in gold reserves, fourth in copper, and fifth in nickel
  • Pacific Ring of Fire
    Continuing movement of very hot magma or molten materials under the ground
  • The countries included in the Pacific Ring of Fire is home to approximately 75% of the world's active volcanoes
  • Formation of igneous rocks
    Magma rises during volcanic eruptions, some does not reach the surface but slowly cools and hardens
  • Metallic mineral deposits
    Melt and redeposit, eventually forming minerals like copper, gold, silver, lead, and zinc
  • Renewable energy resources
    • Solar energy
    • Geothermal energy
    • Hydropower
    • Wind energy
    • Biomass
  • Renewable energy resources serve as the alternative resources for the commonly used nonrenewable energy resources such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels
  • Fossil fuels are nonrenewable because it will take millions of years for dead plants and animals to turn into fossil fuels
  • Approximately 88% of the Philippines' energy consumption is taken from nonrenewable energy resources while only 12% of the energy consumption accounted for renewable energy resources
  • ve very cold climate giving plants and animals the right temperature needed by plants and animals to grow and reproduce
  • Filipino fisherfolks and farmers who are responsible for producing our food are among the poorest sectors in our country despite the abundant seas and forests in the Philippines
  • How can we extend our support to our farmers and fisherfolk?
  • When travelling for very short distances, the best way to conserve resources is to use a bicycle
  • Strict conservation is required for coal, metals, and natural gas, but not for solar energy
  • Sustainability
    The manner of using natural resources without being completely used up or destroyed to maintain ecological balance
  • If we use fossil fuels more rapidly than they are formed, the supply of fossil fuels will eventually run out
  • Conserving natural resources

    Using them wisely