Decline of Republicanism 1917-33

Cards (12)

  • Decline of Republicanism 1917 33 (factors)
    • Personality of the president
    • The Economy
    • Normalcy
    • Opposition
    • The Bonus Army
    • Ideology
  • Hoover
    Becoming increasingly unpopular due to his inability during the great depression
  • Hoover went against the laissez faire style of a republican president

    He began intervening as he realised it wouldn't work
  • This change was unwelcome
  • Hoover was blamed for the economic crisis
  • After the stock market crashed in 1929
    1. The economy went into a major depression
    2. Unemployment significantly rose
    3. Hoover set up the Presidents Emergency Committee for employment, a temporary organisation to find work projects for the unemployed. It was overwhelmed
    4. Hoover began to use federal intervention which made him unpopular
    5. In the last year of his presidency, the government received $2000 million and spent over $5000 million
  • Normalcy
    The idea of returning back to how life was like before the war
  • Although there were some improvements, Hoover was unable to return America back to how it was like before the war
  • Opposition
    • Hoover's democrat opponent Roosevelt, was an excellent communicator and an effective governor of New York
    • Roosevelt was becoming increasingly popular, and began to introduce the idea of the New Deal; his way of improving the economy
    • This lead to the democrats winning more seats in both houses
  • The Bonus Army
    1. These were war veterans who received a bonus payment calculated on their years of service
    2. As the country went into depression, veterans began to ask for their money early and the government refused
    3. This lost a lot of support for the republicans
  • The republican ideology became clouded as he tried to get America out of the slump
  • People wanted a great America and didn't believe that Hoover could do it