Nutritional Needs and health

Cards (23)

  • Anaemia
    Diet related health condition caused by the lack of iron in the body, where the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin.
  • Balanced diet
    A diet which provides all the necessary nutrients in the correct amount/proportions to meet the body's needs.
  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

    The amount of energy (kilojoules or kcals) the body needs to stay alive.
  • Bone health
    Health of the skeleton
  • Cardiovascular disease (CHD)

    A narrowing of the arteries that supply your heart with oxygen-rich blood, due to the build-up of fatty deposits within the artery walls.
  • Cholesterol
    Carried in the blood attached to proteins called lipoproteins. There are two main forms: LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDL (high density lipoprotein).
  • Coeliac
    Cannot absorb the protein gluten. Can result in Coeliac disease: a chronic intestinal disorder caused by sensitivity to the protein gliadin contained in the gluten of cereals.
  • Dietary Guidelines
    Advice on diet, use of the Eatwell Guide
  • Eatwell Guide
    Informs individuals of the variety of food groups required for a healthy balanced diet.
  • Food intolerance
    A long-term condition, which after some time may cause the consumer to feel unwell and have a range of symptoms.
  • Free sugars
    All monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods by the manufacturer, cook, or consumer, plus sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, and fruit juices.
  • Gluten free
    Food which does not contain gluten (crucial for those with Coeliac disease).
  • Lactose intolerant
    A condition which means you cannot digest disaccharide sugar lactose.
  • Life stages
    Phase of development of people through their lives (young children, teenagers, adults, elderly).
  • Nutrients
    The properties found in food and drinks that give nourishment - vital for growth and the maintenance of life. The main nutrients needed by the human body are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • Nutritional analysis
    Nutritional information for different foods, creating a nutritional profile of the specific nutrients in the food.
  • Obesity
    Diet-related disease where the body contains too much stored fat.
  • Osteoporosis
    Reduction in mineral content of the bones, this occurs gradually, usually in the elderly.
  • Physical activity level (PAL)
    Energy balance (% of energy from nutrients), the amount of energy the body uses for movement and physical activity daily.
  • Rickets
    Deficiency of calcium in the bones, reducing peak bone mass.
  • Type 2 diabetes

    A person with type 2 diabetes has insulin resistance, meaning their pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or the body doesn't react properly to insulin.
  • Vegan
    People who do not eat flesh or any animal products. They can eat plant protein soya, TVP, tofu.
  • Vegetarian
    A lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products and plants, and a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet includes eggs, dairy products and plants.