Factors affecting food choice

Cards (15)

  • culture
    different countries and races are associated with particular foods
  • Nutritional awareness
    helps people to make good food choices and to stay healthy
  • Family
    childrens food choices influenced by what food parents buy
  • eating patterns
    influenced by work school and life, a busier lifestyle could mean a greater reliance of convience foods
  • financial factors

    famalies with less money cant spend as much this can lead to a higher amount of process food chosen
  • food availability
    time of year, location rural areas dont have the same choice in super markets
  • marketing and advertising
    aims to persuade us to buy products
  • ecological issues

    concerned with the relationship between living things and their environment
  • 5 tastes
    sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami
  • Hinduism

    -Beef aren't consumed as cows are considered sacred animals
  • Christianity
    -No strict rules

    -During Lent, some choose to give up certain foods such as alcohol and pancakes are made to use up excess ingredients

    -During various christian celebrations, such as the crucifixion of Jesus, hot cross buns are eaten on Good friday.
  • Judaism
    -Have to consume food in accordance to Kosher (fit to eat)

    -Dairy and meat products are prepared separately due to biblical regulations

    -Only eat animals with split hooves (cowes, dear) and scales + fins (no shellfish)
    Can't eat camel, pig or rabbit

    -Animals have to be slaughtered using quick, painless methods to drain the blood as it is considered non-kosher
  • Islam
    Food must be eaten in accordance to Halal (fit to eat) stated by the Quran-animals are slaughtered in a specific way whilst being blessed.

    Can't eat anything from a pig so pork products aren't consumed

    Not allowed to drink alcohol

    Fast during Ramadan from sunrise to sunset
  • Internal Food Choices Include
    Family and social ties
  • External food choice factors
    Food technology