
Cards (24)

  • Population
    Group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time
  • Species
    Group of organisms with similar characteristics, who can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  • Types of organisms
    • Autotrophs
    • Heterotrophs
  • Autotrophs
    Organisms that make their own food. absorb CO2, H2O and inorganic nutrients from abiotic environment and use them to synthesise all the carbon compounds they need
  • Heterotrophs
    Organisms that obtain food from other organisms
  • Modes of heterotrophic nutrition
    • Saprotrophs
    • Consumers
    • Decomposers
  • Saprotrophs
    Obtain organic nutrients from dead organisms by external digestion
  • Consumers
    Feed on living organisms by ingestion
  • Decomposers
    Fungi and bacteria that obtain organic nutrients from dead material by internal digestion
  • Community
    Group of populations of different species living together and interacting with each other in an area
  • Ecosystem
    Community forms an ecosystem by its interactions with the abiotic environment
  • Nutrient recycling in ecosystems
    1. Energy is supplied to ecosystems in the form of light and converted to chemical energy by producers
    2. Ecosystems have limited supplies of nutrients but these supplies do not run out because nutrients can be recycled
  • Trophic levels
    Levels in a food chain where each species feeds on the previous one, with less chemical energy at each successive stage
  • Energy pyramids
    Diagrams that show how much energy flows through each trophic level in a community
  • Carbon sources
    Autotrophs absorb CO2 either from the atmosphere or from water, and convert it into carbohydrates
  • Combustion
    Process that produces CO2 by the breakdown of carbon compounds
  • Methane
    Produced naturally by a group of prokaryotes that break down organic matter in anaerobic conditions and release methane as a waste product
  • Limestone
    Rock that consists mainly of calcium carbonate, which locks up huge amounts of carbon
  • Greenhouse effect
    Certain gases in the atmosphere trap long-wave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface, causing global warming
  • Global temperatures and climate patterns are influenced by the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which are increased by human activities
  • Coral reefs and the pH of the ocean drop due to the increase in CO2 concentration, causing ocean acidification which will become more severe if the rise in CO2 concentration continues
  • Analyzing trapped air bubbles
    Determine CO2 concentration
  • Analyzing ratios of hydrogen isotopes in water molecules
    Deduce temperatures
  • CO2 is a greenhouse gas