Machine Learning

Cards (192)

  • Definition of Learning
    A change in human disposition or capability that persists over a period of time and is not simply ascribable to processes of growth
  • Definition of Machine Learning
    A type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so
  • Understanding Machine Learning
    • Deals with huge amounts of data from disparate sources
    • Utilizes AI and machine learning to process big data
    • Machine learning models identify data patterns and make predictions
  • Terminologies of Machine Learning
    • Model
    • Feature
    • Feature Vector
    • Training
    • Prediction
    • Target (Label)
    • Overfitting
    • Underfitting
  • Importance of Machine Learning
    • Allows companies to transform processes previously only possible for humans
    • Can scale to handle larger problems and technical questions
  • Importance of Data for Machine Learning
    Quality data is necessary for machine learning models to operate efficiently
  • Dataset in Machine Learning
    A collection of instances (rows of data)
  • Machine learning
    Algorithms that can perform tasks that were previously only possible for humans to perform - e.g. responding to customer service calls, bookkeeping, reviewing resumes
  • Machine learning
    Can scale to handle larger problems and technical questions - e.g. image detection for self-driving cars, predicting natural disaster locations and timelines, understanding potential drug interactions
  • That's why machine learning is important
  • Data
    Necessary for machine learning models to operate efficiently
  • Machine Learning (ML)
    A branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so
  • Dataset in machine learning
    A collection of instances (rows) that all share a common attribute
  • Training machine learning models
    1. Feed training datasets into the machine learning algorithm
    2. Use validation/testing datasets to ensure the model is interpreting the data accurately
    3. Subsequent datasets can then be used to sculpt the machine learning model going forward
  • Machine learning algorithms
    Use historical data as input to predict new output values
  • Alan Turing published a paper answering the question "Can Machine Think?"

  • The 6 elements of machine learning
    • Data
    • Task
    • Model
    • Loss Function
    • Learning Algorithm
    • Evaluation
  • Data
    Information in all types and formats, including text, audio-video, structured and unstructured
  • Data curation
    The process of getting the required data for a machine learning project
  • First neural network designed by Frank Rosenbatt, called the Perceptron Model

  • Bernard Widrow and Marcian Hoff created two neural network models, including the Adaline (Adaptive Linear Neuron) model

  • Resources for publicly available datasets
    • Google Dataset Search
    • Kaggle Datasets
    • Indian Government Data
  • Crowdsourcing marketplaces for data collection
    • Amazon Mechanical Turk
    • Dataturks
  • All data needs to be encoded as numbers before feeding it to computers
  • Supervised learning

    Machine learning with input data and corresponding output data, to learn the relationship and predict outputs for new inputs
  • Evelyn Fix and Joseph Hodges developed a non-parametric method for pattern classification, later expanded by Thomas Cover as the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm

  • Unsupervised learning
    Machine learning with only input data, used for tasks like generation and clustering
  • Gerald DeJong introduced the concept of Explanation-Based Learning (EBL)

  • Supervised learning has created 99% of economic value in AI
  • In the 1990s, the approach shifted from knowledge-driven to more data-driven, with programs created for computers to analyze large amounts of data and draw conclusions or "learn" from the results
  • Model
    A mathematical function that defines the relationship between input data and output data
  • Big data
    The enormous amount of data becoming easily available and accessible due to advanced computing capabilities and cloud storage
  • Loss function
    Measures the difference between the true value and the value predicted by a model, used to determine the best model
  • Model
    The mathematical representation of a real-world process, built by a machine learning algorithm and training data
  • Loss functions
    • Square Error Loss
    • Cross Entropy Loss
    • KL Divergence
  • Feature
    A measurable property or parameter of the data-set
  • Feature Vector
    A set of multiple numeric features used as input to the machine learning model for training and prediction
  • Training
    The process where an algorithm takes training data as input, finds patterns, and trains the model for expected results
  • Prediction
    The process of feeding input data to the trained machine learning model to provide a predicted output
  • Learning algorithm
    Optimizes the parameters of a model to minimize the loss function