OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) • the extent of protection against polio is increased the earlier the OPV is given
Poliomyelitis- caused by Polio virus
Measles- caused by Measles virus
Mumps- caused by Mumps virus
German measles- caused by Rubella virus
Meningitis- Caused by Haemophilus influenza
Hepatitis B Vaccine -an early start of hep. B reduces the chance of acquiring hepatic CA.
Tuberculosis- caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin) • Given at the earliest possible protects against the possibility of infection from other family members.
Cholera- Caused by Vibrio cholera
Dysentery- Caused by Shigella dysenteriae
Typhoid- Caused by Salmonella typhi
Chemoprophylaxis • Administration of drugs to prevent occurrence of infection.
Mechanical Prophylaxis • Placing mechanical barriers between the sources of agent and host such as use of mosquito nets, masks or gloves
Handwashing • The most important procedure for preventing the transfer of microorganism
Preventing Transmission
Avoid direct contact with infected person or take preventerd measure
Block th spread by wearing mask
Use sterile medical equipment
Controlling Microbial Reservoir
Sanitation and Disinfection
Sewage Treatment
Food preservation
Water treatment
Minimizing Risk Before or Shortly after exposure
Immunization or vaccination
Cleaning and using antiseptic
Prophylactic use of antimicrobial agents
INFLUENZA – Highly communicable disease characterized by abrupt onset with fever which last 1 to 6 days, chilly sensation or chills, aches or pain in the back and limbs with prostrations. Respiratory symptoms include coryza, sore throat and cough.
Influenza - In the Philippines, it ranks 6th in the leading cause of morbidity (DOH, 2014
Influenza- Causative agent: Influenza virus A,B, C
Influenza Mode of transmission: – By direct contact, through droplet infection, or by articles freshly soiled with discharge of nose and throat of infected person, airborne
Signs and symptoms of Influenza
• Fever, chills, headaches
• Cough
• Sore throat
• Runny or stuffy nose
Prevention and Control of Influenza
• Observe proper personal hygiene
• Increase your body’s resistance • Practice social distancing
• Active immunization with influenza vaccine provided prevailing strain of virus matches antigenic component of vaccine.
Treatment of Influenza
• Self-limiting
• Take antivirals drugs, if prescribed by a doctor
It is an infectious disease of birds ranging from mild to severe form of illness.
Bird Flu or Avian Influenza -Causative Agent: Influenza virus A (H5N1)
“BIRD FLU” or AVIAN INFLUENZA Mode of Transmission • Thru inhalation of/or contamination with infected discharges of feces of infected bird/chicken
Signs and Symptoms of Bird Flu:
• Fever
Body weakness and muscle pain
• Cough
• Sore throat
• May have difficulty in breathing in severe cases
• Sore eyes and/or diarrhea in some persons
Control Measure in Birds Flu:
Rapid destruction, proper disposal of carcasses and rigorous disinfection of farms
• Restriction on the movement of live poultry.
Preventive Measure in Human:
• Wash hands thoroughly
• Cook poultry produce thoroughly
. • Yearly vaccination of poultry workers with regular of periodic direct contact with poultry.
Treatment of Bird Flu:
• Self-limiting
• Antiviral drugs, such as osetalmivir, stop the progress of the illness if given within the first 2 days from the onset of fever
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) – It is a newly recognized form of a typical pneumonia that had been described in patient in Asia, North America and Europe. The earliest known cases were identified in Guangdong Province, China in November 2002