The study of gene structure and functions at the molecular level to understand the molecular basis of hereditary, genetic variation, and the expression patterns of genes
DNA and RNA are long chain polymers of small compound called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of a base, sugar (ribose in RNA or deoxyribose in DNA) and a phosphate group
The structure of DNA was described by British Scientists Watson and Crick as long double helix shaped with its sugar phosphate backbone on the outside and its bases on inside; the two strand of helix run in opposite direction and are anti-parallel to each other. The DNA double helix is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between the bases
The G+C content of a natural DNA can vary from 22-73% and this can have a strong effect on the physical properties of DNA, particularly its melting temperature
A is for adenine; G is for guanine; C is for cytosine and T is for thymine. Adenine and guanine are double ringed structure termed purine, thymine and cytosine are single ring structures termed pyrimidine. Adenine A pairs with thymine T (two hydrogen bonds) and guanine G pairs with cytosine C (three hydrogen bonds)
The genetic material of all cellular organisms and most viruses, the gigantic molecule which is used to encode genetic information for all life on Earth
When T. H. Morgan's group showed that genes are located on chromosomes, the two components of chromosomes—DNA and protein—became candidates for the genetic material
Frederick Griffith's experiment showed that the heat-killed remains of the pathogenic strain could transform the harmless strain, a phenomenon now defined as transformation
Chargaff's rules state that the base composition of DNA varies between species, and in any species the number of A and T bases is equal and the number of G and C bases is equal