G - Gods loves all human beings both sexes have dignity and value
I - Individuals all people discover and express dignity through the body and the fully meaning of the body is appreciated when theirs a deep relation with the opposite sex
M - marriage God brings people together sex is essential as they give them selves up to each other fully
A- adultery - extra marital sex is forbidden and also contraception
The Catholic Church does not believe in divorce because couples took vows which are a covenant (agreement) to God as well as each other. Therefore, according to God's law, divorce cannot happen.
The Catholic Church does allow annulment in certain circumstances e.g being forced to marry or being under age.
Why are Catholics against contraception and what do they do instead ?
goes against procreation however favour natural planning using a women monthly cycle to see when she is less fertile and believe in responsible parenthood having the right amount of children you can care for
"Men and woman were made 'for each other'" Catechism of the Catholic Church 372 so yes their equal but have different roles so complementary of each other this helps their gifts be valued