Controlled by a proton pump in parietal cells, exchanges protons from cytoplasm for potassium ions from stomach contents, mucus barrier protects stomach lining
Small droplets coated in phospholipid that transport cholesterol, low density carries it from liver to body tissues, high density does the opposite for removal
1. SAN initiates the impulse, spreads in all directions through atria
2. Impulse travels to AVN, which delays the signal before it goes to the ventricles meaning the atria can pump the blood down into the ventricles before they contract
malfunctioning SAN or a block in the signal conduction pathway. Regulates heart rate, provides a continuous regular impulse or only when a heart beat is missed
Genetic disease caused by a recessive allele, lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme leads to high levels of phenylalanine in the blood, tyrosine supplements may be needed