Christianity is the main religion in Great Britain
Main traditions of Christianity
Belief in one Supreme Being, God
Catholic Christianity
Based in Rome and led by the Pope
Orthodox Christianity
Split from Catholic Christianity in 1054 CE and practised in Eastern Europe
Protestant Christianity
Split from Catholic Christianity in the 16th century and branched out into different denominations
Protestants agree that the Bible is the only authority for Christians
What Christians believe about God
There is only one God
God is the creator and sustainer of all that exists
God works throughout history and inspires people to do God'swill
People can have a relationship with God through prayer
God is spirit, neither male nor female, but has qualities of both
God is holy, set apart for a special purpose and worthy of worship
Jesus is God's son, the true representation of God on earth
Christians believe that there is only one God
Christianity is a major influence on people's lives
What does omnipotent mean
God having unlimited power
What does benevolent mean?
All loving. God uses his power to do goood. He shows love by creating human and caring for them he showed us love by sending his son jesus to die for us
What does just mean?
God is just jugde of human kind he will never support ill treatment injustice
Name the three trinity
God the father, son holy spirit
God the father
The creator of all life he is all powerful (omnipotent)all loving (omnibenevolvent) all knowing (omniscient)and present everywhere( omnipresent )
God the son
Jesus was both fully human on earth and fully god
God the holy spirit
Is the unseen power of God work in the world.
What do christians believe about the creation in gensesis?
Not scientufically accurate some belive god cretaed the world in 6days
What do Christians believe about God?
That he created everything out of choice and everything good also that he continues to create new life and that the holy spirit was active in the creation
Christians belive that the son of god was involved in the creation
Mary was found to br pregnant through the holy spirit
What did the angel do and explain to Mary?
That it was not an ordinary conception and it was not an ordinary child
Mary convinced Jesus without having sex this is evidence that Jesus was the son of god
How was Jesus able to do all his miracles like resurrection?
Because he was fully God
Why did Jesus words have great authority
Because they are the word of god
What did Jesus warn his disciples?
Not to use the term messiah because he would be arrested for blasphemey
Fixed to a cross
Jesus forgave those who crucified him and promised one of the men crucified with him that he would join God in paradise
Jesus' body was buried in a cave-like tomb
Although fully God, he was also fully human so suffered pain and horror
Jesus: 'Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.'
A Roman centurion acknowledged Jesus was innocent, and said he was the Son of God
The Roman guards made sure Jesus was dead
Joseph of Arimathea was permitted to bury Jesus in a cave-liketomb, rolling a large stone to block the entrance
Jesus' burial was rushed because the Sabbath was about to begin
Jesus' sacrifice on the cross
Gives hope to Christians that their sins will be forgiven if they sincerely repent
Christians believe that God understands human suffering because Jesus who is God, experienced it
Christians accept that suffering is part of life, just as it was a part of Jesus' life
The crucifixion is the most important belief for Christians
It influences Christians today by giving them hope when they are suffering, and by showing that God understands their suffering