What was the housing situation like for workers in Ancoats during the Industrial Revolution?
Factory owners did not provide housing, so workers had to find accommodation in the area for themselves.
How was the land in Ancoats utilized for housing?
The area was divided into rectangles of land rented by businessmen and builders to build housing on.
What regulations governed the construction of housing in Ancoats?
There were no rules determining housing standards, leading builders to maximize space by fitting as much housing as possible on the available land.
What were the most common types of houses in Ancoats during the Industrial Revolution?
Two- or three-storey brick terraced houses, often one room deep, built back-to-back along narrow streets or around small courtyards.
What materials were commonly used in the construction of houses in Ancoats?
Houses had walls often no more than one brick thick, with each row or courtyard having its own tap for water and few privies. Basements were often overcrowded and filthy due to cheap rents.
What were some sanitation issues faced by residents of Ancoats?
Streets lacked proper drains or sewers, with privy middens overflowing during heavy rain. Water supply was often polluted, contributing to waterborne diseases like cholera and dysentery.
How densely populated was Ancoats during the 19th century?
In 1851, Ancoats was estimated as the most densely populated place in Britain, with 350 people per acre living there.
How did overcrowding manifest in Ancoats?
Survey in 1865 found one in five families living in one room, with up to 12 families sharing the same privy. Some houses also doubled as stables for animals used in street vending.