Religious setting, places, and feasts

Cards (59)

  • The Great Sanhedrin
    Official governing body of the Jews; independent from the Roman government

    Governed religious affairs, preserved the beliefs and teachings , and safeguarded the practices of the Jews
  • sunedrion
  • 71 members

    how many members compose the Sanhedrin?
  • Sadducees, Pharisees, and Scribes
    What type of members compose the Sanhedrin?
  • Sadducees
    To which party do all the high priests originate from ?
  • Hasmonean rule

    At which rule did the Sadducees have full autonomy?
  • Sadducees
    collaborated with Rome to keep power; they claimed to be spiritual heirs of kingZadok.
    regarded as the wealthy, aristocratic class of Jewish society; too centered on temple services
  • Zadok
    His spiritual descendants were the high priests of Sanhedrin; he was King David's chief priest
  • Zaddukim or Tsaddiqim
    comes from greek Saddoukaiou meaning righteous ones
  • Torah
    First five books of the Hebrew Bible; the books the Sadduccees only believed in

    they rejected angels, oral tradition, immortality, and resurrection
  • Sadducees
    which group wanted to trap Jesus by demanding a sign from heaven and proclaiming that there is no resurrection?
    They were denounced by John the Baptist as blood vipers and by Jesus as well
  • Pharisees
    their emergence can be traced from the religious group known as theHasideans (Hasidim)
  • Hasideans/Hasidim
    they faithfully follwed their commandments who were noted for theiruncompromisingobservance of the Judaic law (opposed paganization)
  • Hasidim
    pious ones
  • Pharisees (Perushim)

    laymenwho sought to preserve the Jews from the contamination of foreign religions and insisted on strict separation from Gentiles. (Rabbis expert on Jew Law)
    preserved Judaism after destruction of temple in 70 AD throughoral tradition
  • Perushim
    separated ones
  • Pharisees
    they believed in the Scripture, Prophets and Writings as well as Torah

    they believed in angels and demons
  • Synagogue
    Jewish house of worship; Pharisees made this their mane venue of preaching scripture

    strictly adhered to Sabbath rest, purity rituals, tithing, and food restrictions (they caught Jesus violating law)
  • Pharisees
    Jesus condemned them as hypocrites and blind guides due to their strict observance of the Law
  • Grammateis
    origin of the term Scribe "teachers of the law"
  • Scribes
    professional copyists who recorded commercial, royal, and religious texts and served as clerks, secretaries, and archivists at court and temple (same as Pharisees, focused on writing)

    educated; can read and interpret Jewish law both oral and written
  • Scribes
    opposed Sadducees but upheld the Pharisaic teachings

    taught in Synagogues and teaches the Mosaic law as well
  • Mosaic law
    the Law, most importantly the Ten Commandments, that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai to guide the lives of the Israelites; taught by Scribes
  • Scribes
    Jesus rejected for their hypocrisy, pride, and false witness
  • Synagogues
    Jewish houses of worship; where Scribes taught
  • Essenes
    A group of pious, ultraconservative Jews who left the Sanhedrin and began a community by the Dead Sea, known as Qumran.
  • Essenes
    attacked Sadducees as false descendants of Zadok and illegitimate personnel of temple

    they anticipated a cosmic war between good and evil,
  • priestly and kingly
    the 2 messiahs that Essenes expected
  • Essenes
    emphasized strong community life, observance of Mosaic law, prayer, and strict rituals on purity; they also practiced celibacy
  • Baptists
    followed John the Baptist on instagram
  • metanoia and repentance
    beliefs of Baptists
  • metanoia/Repentance
    the action of repenting; sincere regret or remorse; change of heart and mindset as preparation of the Messiah
  • water
    symbol of cleansing of sins; used by Baptists
  • Temple
    The holy place in Jerusalem where Jewish people gathered to worship God
  • Solomon
    (Old Testament) son of David and king of Israel noted for his wisdom (10th century BC); built the first temple
  • Chaldeans
    The new Babylonians, their king was king Nebuchadnezzar; destroyed the Temple in 586 BC
  • Zerubbabel
    Led in the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem; Syrians would later profane it
  • Herod the Great
    the king who rebuilt the Temple in a much larger scale
  • Great Temple of Jerusalem
    The———— was considered to be the most impressive of all Herod's achievements, and one of the most magnificent religious buildings in the Roman world.
  • 1. Tabernacle
    2. Court of Israelites
    3. Court of Priests
    4. Court of Women
    5. Court of Gentiles
    Temple Courts (5)