Embryonicstemcells can be found from early human embryos (spares ones taken from fertility clinics). They can differentiate into any type of specialised cell in body.
Treat wide range of disease and differentiate into any kind of specialised cell.
Usually no donor needed, as taken from clinic.
Grow whole organ
It's a new course of treatment so still undergoing research, unclear if it can do all the they thought it could.
Risk of transferring viral infection to patient.
Ethical issues as destroying embryos along with potential human lives
Adult stem cells can be found in the bone marrow and can differentiate and any type of blood cell.
Treat diseases like leukaemia.
Safe to use as a treatment and donor recovery time is quick.
Fewer ethical issues as adults able to consent to removal and use of their stem cells.
Requires a donor= long wait time.
Can only differentiate into certain specialised cells, treating fewer diseases.
Therapeutic cloning:
Cells from patient used to clone early embryos of theirs
Embryo stem cells can be used for medical treatment and growing new organs.
These stem cells have same genes as patient so less likely to be rejected.
Plant meristem, found in meristem regions of roots and shoots of plants. Can differentiate into all cell types and can use to clone whole plant.
Desirable traits like disease resistance, can be cloned producing large number of identical plants.
Fast and low cost for large amount of plants.
Able to clone rare species, preventing extinction.
Cloned plants are genetically identical so whole crop at risk of being destroyed by single disease or genetic defect.