1. Mouth - chews food and mixes it saliva
2. Salivary glands - produces saliva containing a starch-digesting enzyme called salivary amylase
3. Pharynx - swallows the chewed food mixed with saliva called bolus
4. Esophagus - moves the bolus through peristalsis
5. Stomach - mixes and churns food with gastric juices
6. Liver - makes bile which aids in digestion and absorption of fat
7. Pancreas - releases acid neutralizers
8. Gallbladder - stores bile and releases it into small intestine when needed
9. Small Intestine - digests food and absorbs nutrients into blood or lymph
10. Large Intestine - absorbs water and some vitamins. Collects excess water and passes waste material.
11. Anus - opens to allow waste to leave the body