Watermolecules with dangerouslyhighlevelsofsalt and can also have high levels of harmfulmicrobes
What is the name of the process that turns salty water in potable water?
What are the two methods of desalinisation?
What is reverse osmosis?
Uses membranes to separate the salts dissolved in the water, the water needs to be pressurised, this is an expensive process
How is potable water produced from fresh water?
water is passedthroughfilters to remove large objects
water is sterilised to kill any microbes (using UV light, ozone or chlorine)
Process of treating sewage water
1. Sewage and gritremoval - passedthroughmetal filters to removelarge objects
2. Sedimentation - sewage is left so that solid sediments can settle out of the water, it sinks to the bottom and the liquid sits on top
3. Effluent - this is the remaining liquid, it has no solid matter but still containssomeharmfulmicroorganisms and matter
4. Aerobic treatment - bacteria is added to the effluent which feeds on the organic matter and the harmfulmicroorganisms, the bacteriabreakdown the matter using aerobic respiration
5. Bacteria removed - Bacteria settle out of the water
6. Discharged back into rivers
What happens to the sludge left over from sewage treatment?
sediment that is left after sedimentation is called sludge, this contains organic matter, water, dissolved compounds and small solid particles
ANAEROBIC TREATMENT - Bacteria are added to digest the organic matter, this is done with little oxygen
BIOGAS - the anaerobic digestion of sludge produces biogas, can be used as fuel
The remaining sludge can be dried out and also used as fuel when burnt
What are two alternative copper extraction methods?
Phytomining and bioleaching
What is the process of phytomining?
Grow plants near the metal ore
The plantsabsorb the metalions
Harvest and burnplants
The ashcontains the metalcompound
Process the ash. by electrolysis or displacement with scrap metal
What is the process of bioleaching?
Grow bacteria near the metal ore
Bacteria produce leachate solutions that contain the metal compound
process the leachate by electrolysis or displacement with scrap metal
How does low density polyethene form?
Addition polymerisation reaction of ethene is carried out under high pressure and in the presence of a small amount of oxygen, the branched polymer chains cannot pack together so causing the low density of polymer
How does high density polyethene form?
When the addition polymerisation reaction of ethene is carried out using a catalyst at 50C, the polymer chains are straight and can pack tightly together