IMIN Topic Three

Cards (17)

  • all mature blood cells including WBC and RBC arise from hematopoietic stem cells
  • hematopoiesis is the process of formation and differentiation of blood cells and occurs in bone marrow
  • hematopoietic cells are almost immortal as they are self renewing
  • myeloid and lumphoid progenitors can both make dendtritic cells
  • t cells are the only cells that can leave the bone marrow before mature without causing adverse effects
  • TH cells produce cytokines and are major regulators in fighting infections
  • TC cells are programmed killers
  • RBC have the highest concentration in body with a lifespan of about 120 days
  • Platelets live for anywhere from 5-10 days
  • neutrophils are the most abundant leukocytes and acount for 50-70% of all WBC
  • lymphocytes have a longer lifespan as they are the memory cells for disease, they can live anywhere from days to many years
  • lymphocytes account for 20-40% of WBC
  • Hematoxylin binds basophilic cells (-) — typically nucleic acids
  • Eosin binds easinophilic protiens (+) in the granules and cytoplasm
  • Myleoid lineage cells include;
    • RBC
    • granulocytes
    • monocytes
    • macrophages
  • granules
    membrane-bound internal vesicles that release their contents in repsonse to infection
  • Nuetrophil;
    1. most abundant class of WBC
    2. numbers increase during an infection
    3. recrutied to sites of infection in repsonse to chemoattractnant molecules
    4. can directly destroy pathogens using various mechanisms
    • dominant forst repsonder to infections