God created the world from ex nihilo (made from nothing) and continues to sustain it.
O -> Omnibenevolent/ Omnipotent
Omnipotent: all-powerful. God created the world as told in Genesis 1
Omniscient: all-knowing. He is aware of the past, present and future.
O -> Omnibenevolence/ Omniscience
Omnibenevolent: all-loving. God saved the Jewish people from Egypt as told in Exodus.
Omnipresent: always-present. God is capable of being everywhere at the same time.
L - Law giver/ judge
Law Giver: (gave the 613mitzvot to Moses on Mount Sinai as told in Exodus)
Judge: (punishes, rewards and forgives). The mitzvot total 613 laws and are the rules of God found in the Torah.
T -> Transcendent
God is not limited in ways that humans are, eg he is beyond the constraints of time and space.
I -> Immanent
God is present in the world and sustains it.
M -> Monotheistic
The belief in one God.
E -> Eternal
God has always and will always exist. He is without beginning and without end.
S -> Shekinah
Expresses how God is involved in the world. Humans cannot see God but people have said they have felt His presence.
Belief in the teachings of the Shema
Judaism teaches the belief in the oneness of God. Shema prayer can be found in Torah. It confirms that there is only one God. Shema says that God is personal and demands love from Jews.