Investigation to find the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme rennin
1. Step 1: Label 3 test-tubes P, Q, R
2. Step 2: Add 5 cm3 of milk to each test-tube
3. Step 3: Add 2 drops of acid to test-tube P
4. Step 4: Add 2 drops of distilled water to test-tube Q
5. Step 5: Add 2 drops of alkali to test-tube R
6. Step 6: Label 3 more test-tubes P1, Q1, R1
7. Step 7: Add 1 cm3 of 0.1% rennin solution to each of P1, Q1, R1
8. Step 8: Place all 6 test-tubes in 40°C water bath for 3 minutes
9. Step 9: Add contents of P1 to P, Q1 to Q, R1 to R
10. Step 10: Start stopwatch, keep P, Q, R in water bath
11. Step 11: After 1 minute, remove P, tilt and rotate, observe clotting stage