Disperson graphs

Cards (9)

  • Dispersion diagrams are used to display the main patterns in the distribution of data.
  • The dispersion graph shows each value plotted as an individual point against a vertical scale.
  • The dispersion graph shows the range of data and the distribution of each piece of data within that range. It therefore enables a comparison of the degree of clustering of two sets of data.
  • Dispersion graphs can show the spread/distribution of data around the mean 
  • Dispersion graphs can be used to compare the spread/distribution of similarly sized data sets 
  • Dispersion graphs indicate the reliability of the data.
  • Dispersion graphs allow the calculation of the measures of dispersion.
  • You can compare disperson graphs easily as they are clear to read/interpret and understand.
  • anomalies can be clearly shown on a dispersion graph.