Science and technology

Cards (10)

  • In 1901, Fingerprint Branch was set up. The National Fingerprint System kept a record of fingerprints from everyone arrested.
  • In 1909, police bicycles were introduced to allow officers to pursue criminals more quickly.
  • By the 1930s, police cars became quite common, and the 999 telephone number was introduced.
  • CCTV was first used in 1960.
  • Breathalysers were introduced in 1967 to test drivers’ blood alcohol levels.
  • In 1980, the Police National Computer was launched, which held the records of 25million people.
  • In 1988, the first murder convictions were gained used DNA samples. This was an example of the growing importance of forensic science.
  • Speed cameras were introduced in 1992.
  • In 1995, the National Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS) and National DNA Database were set up to share information. This is an example of data management.
  • More recent developments include mass video surveillance and biometric screening.