Reasons for abolition

Cards (6)

  • The home secretary who oversaw the abolition of the death penalty was Roy Jenkins, and he is seen as a key reason for why abolition eventually succeeded.
  • The abolition of the death penalty was a part of a pattern of changing attitudes in the 1960s, when generally attitudes became more liberal.
  • A series of controversial executions also caused the public to question execution.
  • Timothy Evans, who was hanged for murdering his wife and baby in 1950. Later evidence showed that they had been killed by a serial killer and Evans was in fact innocent.
  • In 1953, Derek Bentley was hanged for the murder of a police officer, despite having learning difficulties and a low mental age.
  • In 1955, Ruth Ellis was hanged for the murder of her abusive boyfriend. She was pregnant and the mother to a young child. A petition with 50000 signatures asking for leniency (mercy) was ignored by the home secretary.