Cards (8)

  • Derek Bentley was 18 years old but had the mental age of a 10 year old.
  • He befriended Christopher Craig, who was 16 years old.
  • In Nov 1952, Bentley and Craig attempted to burgle a warehouse. Craig had a gun with him, and Bentley had a knuckle duster.
  • Neighbours spotted the burglary and called the police.
  • A police officer ordered Craig to hand over the gun. Bentley shouted ‘let him have it, Chris’, and Craig fired the gun, injuring the officer.
  • Another officer, PC Sidney Miles, then arrived and was shot in the head by Craig.
  • Craig and Bentley were both charged with murder under the principle of joint enterprise. They were found guilty.
  • Craig could not be hanged because he was under 18. Bentley was hanged.