AO3 bio OCD

Cards (4)

  • There is support for the role of genetics in OCD. A meta analysis of twin studies showed the likelihood that both monozygotic twins had OCD was 68% where as only 31% in dizygotic twins. Since monozygotic concordance rate is higher and they share identical genes this suggests OCD is genetic.
  • Idea that neural mechanisms cause OCD is flawed because research is correlation. patients have their neurochemicals analysed once they have already developed OCD. Therefore abnormal functioning of neurochemistry could be the effect of OCD not the cause. This reduced the validity of the biological explanation of OCD.
  • A problem with the genetic explanation of OCD is that the concordance rates for monozygotic twins are not 100%. Since these twins have identical genetic material, it one twin has purely genetic OCD you would expect the other twin to also have it. Hence, OCD cannot be due to genetics alone and there must be other explanations.
  • Research supports the role of neural mechanisms in OCD. since drug therapies that raise serotonin levels decrease OCD symptoms, this suggests that it was lower levels of serotonin causing the symptoms. This therefore implies idea that OCD is caused by serotonin functioning is valid.