Yalta conference begins between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt
april 1945
Truman keeps nuclear bomb secret from Stalin
July 1945
Potsdam conference begins between Atlee, Truman and Stalin
6th August 1945
US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima killing 70,000 people
9th August 1945
atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki killing 40,000
2nd Sept 1945
Japan surrenders to the USA bringing the war to an end
YALTA - agreements
Germany and Berlin would be divided into four zones - one each for the UK, USA, USSR and France
formation of UN
free elections would take place in the liberated areas of Western and Central Europe
YALTA - disagreements
Soviets wanted higher reparations from Germany
Soviets wanted communist friendly governments as part of the "sphere of influence" in Europe
USA and Britain wanted Eastern Europe to be able to elect governments of their choice - "self determination"
POTSDAM - agreements
Germany and Berlin began to be divided into four main zones
Nazi party was banned and leaders were tried as war criminals
Germans living in Eastern Europe would be returned to Germany
POTSDAM - disagreements
soviets wanted large reparations from Germany, USA and UK wanted to rebuild it
USA and UK unhappy about Red Army beginning to install communist governments in Eastern Europe
Stalin was angry that Truman tried to keep atomic bomb a secret from him
feb 1946
long telegram - 8000 word report from Kennan in the US embassy in Moscow outlining fears of Soviet expansion
march 1946
churchill criticised actions of the USSR, accusing it of trying to spread its influence and gain power at any cost
march 1947
the new approach of the US to contain the expansion of communism in Europe and the world, stopping it spreading to any more countries
june 1947
marshall plan launched - $13.5 billion was given to rebuild the countries of Europe in order to stop the spread of communism
sep 1947
cominform created - Stalin’s response to Truman doctrine; organisaround to unite communist countries and force them to follow the USSR‘s rules
june 1948
Yugoslavia expelled from cominform - Tito asked for Marshall Aid
jan 1949
comecon created - soviet response to marshall plan; provided economic support to communist countries
soviet expansion east - communist leaders were placed in eastern countries against the wishes of the west
greece and turkey - Turkey was at risk to joining the Eastern Bloc
Truman Doctrine - communism was to be contained in whatever way was necessary
Marshall Plan - aim was to create a market for US goods, promote unity in the US and make communism seem less attractive
MARSHALL PLAN - outcomes
yugoslavia being expelled from cominform
Berlin Blockade 1948
march 1948
western germany unites and Deutschmark is introduced
23rd June 1948
Berlin Blockade begins
26th June 1948
Berlin airlift begins
april 1949
creation of NATO
May 1949
Berlin Blockade is abandoned
Warsaw Pact established
Causes of the berlin blockade
division after WW2
soviet reparations from Germany
introduction of the Deutschmark made Stalin angry
events of the berlin blockade
blockade begins - cut off all road, rail and transport links to attempt to deprive West Berlin
airlift begins three days later - a plane was flown into Berlin every three minutes and landed over 4000 tonnes of supplies in the city each day
Stalin abandons blockade as the airlift made it ineffective
outcomes of the Berlin Blockade
division of Germany into two nations FDR (capitalist) and GDR (communist)
new military alliances - NATO and Warsaw Pact
causes of the Korean war
division after WW2 - US and Soviets agree to occupy and divide Korea; north for soviets south for americans
tensions rise - Syngman Rhee begins arresting suspected communist, Kim Il Sung orders commando raids across the border
Stalin supports invasion plan
events of the Korean war
North Korea invasion - June 1950 North Korean forces invade South Korea conquering most of the country
US led counterattack - US forces drive north Korean forces all the way back to chinas border
Chinese forces intervene - Chinese and North Koreans manage to get as far as capturing South Korean capital of Seoul
outcomes of the Korean war
final ceasefire - Korea remains divided along the 38th parallel
General MacArthur fired - Truman sacked US general leading the US forces in Korea for publicly calling the use of nuclear weapons against the North Koreans in 1951
rising tensions - proxy war led to deaths of millions of people and nearly escalated to a direct “hot“ conflict between US and USSR
causes of the Vietnamese war
French defeat - 1954 French are defeated by the Viet Minh
country divided - Geneva 1954 divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel; communist republic in North led by Ho Chi Minh and South led by Diem
Diem unpopularity - harsh and corrupt rule made him increasingly unpopular
events of the vietnamese war
viet cong uprising 1960
US increase support in 1960
Diem assassinated in 1963
outcomes of the vietnamese war
US escalate war - 500,000 US soldiers in Vietnam
US defeat1973
causes of the formation of NATO
Treaty of Brussels - 1948 mutual defence against communist expansion
Berlin Airlift 1948
NATO created in 1949
events of the formation of NATO and the Warsaw pact
Khrushchev leadership replacing Stalin in 1953
W Germany joins NATO
outcomes of the formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact