Cards (43)

  • feb 1945
    Yalta conference begins between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt
  • april 1945
    Truman keeps nuclear bomb secret from Stalin
  • July 1945

    Potsdam conference begins between Atlee, Truman and Stalin
  • 6th August 1945
    US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima killing 70,000 people
  • 9th August 1945
    atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki killing 40,000
  • 2nd Sept 1945

    Japan surrenders to the USA bringing the war to an end
  • YALTA - agreements
    • Germany and Berlin would be divided into four zones - one each for the UK, USA, USSR and France
    • formation of UN
    • free elections would take place in the liberated areas of Western and Central Europe
  • YALTA - disagreements
    • Soviets wanted higher reparations from Germany
    • Soviets wanted communist friendly governments as part of the "sphere of influence" in Europe
    • USA and Britain wanted Eastern Europe to be able to elect governments of their choice - "self determination"
  • POTSDAM - agreements
    • Germany and Berlin began to be divided into four main zones
    • Nazi party was banned and leaders were tried as war criminals
    • Germans living in Eastern Europe would be returned to Germany
  • POTSDAM - disagreements
    • soviets wanted large reparations from Germany, USA and UK wanted to rebuild it
    • USA and UK unhappy about Red Army beginning to install communist governments in Eastern Europe
    • Stalin was angry that Truman tried to keep atomic bomb a secret from him
  • feb 1946
    long telegram - 8000 word report from Kennan in the US embassy in Moscow outlining fears of Soviet expansion
  • march 1946
    churchill criticised actions of the USSR, accusing it of trying to spread its influence and gain power at any cost
  • march 1947
    the new approach of the US to contain the expansion of communism in Europe and the world, stopping it spreading to any more countries
  • june 1947
    marshall plan launched - $13.5 billion was given to rebuild the countries of Europe in order to stop the spread of communism
  • sep 1947

    cominform created - Stalin’s response to Truman doctrine; organisaround to unite communist countries and force them to follow the USSR‘s rules
  • june 1948

    Yugoslavia expelled from cominform - Tito asked for Marshall Aid
  • jan 1949
    comecon created - soviet response to marshall plan; provided economic support to communist countries
  • MARSHALL PLAN - causes
    • soviet expansion east - communist leaders were placed in eastern countries against the wishes of the west
    • greece and turkey - Turkey was at risk to joining the Eastern Bloc
  • MARSHALL PLAN - events
    • Truman Doctrine - communism was to be contained in whatever way was necessary
    • Marshall Plan - aim was to create a market for US goods, promote unity in the US and make communism seem less attractive
  • MARSHALL PLAN - outcomes
    • cominform/comecon
    • yugoslavia being expelled from cominform
    • Berlin Blockade 1948
  • march 1948 

    western germany unites and Deutschmark is introduced
  • 23rd June 1948
    Berlin Blockade begins
  • 26th June 1948
    Berlin airlift begins
  • april 1949

    creation of NATO
  • May 1949
    Berlin Blockade is abandoned
  • 1955
    Warsaw Pact established
  • Causes of the berlin blockade
    • division after WW2
    • soviet reparations from Germany
    • introduction of the Deutschmark made Stalin angry
  • events of the berlin blockade
    • blockade begins - cut off all road, rail and transport links to attempt to deprive West Berlin
    • airlift begins three days later - a plane was flown into Berlin every three minutes and landed over 4000 tonnes of supplies in the city each day
    • Stalin abandons blockade as the airlift made it ineffective
  • outcomes of the Berlin Blockade
    • division of Germany into two nations FDR (capitalist) and GDR (communist)
    • new military alliances - NATO and Warsaw Pact
  • causes of the Korean war
    • division after WW2 - US and Soviets agree to occupy and divide Korea; north for soviets south for americans
    • tensions rise - Syngman Rhee begins arresting suspected communist, Kim Il Sung orders commando raids across the border
    • Stalin supports invasion plan
  • events of the Korean war
    • North Korea invasion - June 1950 North Korean forces invade South Korea conquering most of the country
    • US led counterattack - US forces drive north Korean forces all the way back to chinas border
    • Chinese forces intervene - Chinese and North Koreans manage to get as far as capturing South Korean capital of Seoul
  • outcomes of the Korean war
    • final ceasefire - Korea remains divided along the 38th parallel
    • General MacArthur fired - Truman sacked US general leading the US forces in Korea for publicly calling the use of nuclear weapons against the North Koreans in 1951
    • rising tensions - proxy war led to deaths of millions of people and nearly escalated to a direct “hot“ conflict between US and USSR
  • causes of the Vietnamese war
    • French defeat - 1954 French are defeated by the Viet Minh
    • country divided - Geneva 1954 divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel; communist republic in North led by Ho Chi Minh and South led by Diem
    • Diem unpopularity - harsh and corrupt rule made him increasingly unpopular
  • events of the vietnamese war
    • viet cong uprising 1960
    • US increase support in 1960
    • Diem assassinated in 1963
  • outcomes of the vietnamese war
    • US escalate war - 500,000 US soldiers in Vietnam
    • US defeat 1973
  • causes of the formation of NATO
    • Treaty of Brussels - 1948 mutual defence against communist expansion
    • Berlin Airlift 1948
    • NATO created in 1949
  • events of the formation of NATO and the Warsaw pact
    • Khrushchev leadership replacing Stalin in 1953
    • W Germany joins NATO
  • outcomes of the formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact
    • Warsaw Pact 1955
    • increased soviet control
    • widening conflict
  • causes of arms race
    • hiroshima bombing 1945
    • fear of “missile gap”
    • mutually assured destruction
  • outcomes - tension
    • brinkmanship - both came close to war (1962 Cuba)
    • fear and paranoia