other thinkers

Cards (5)

  • radical feminism causes of gender inequality in education
    the education system is patriarchal, including the sexual harassment of girls' in school and how education limits girls' subject choices and career options
    point to the hierarchy - male teachers more likely to become heads in primary and secondary schools
    male gaze operates in school
    double standards operate around language and behaviour
  • radical feminism solutions for gender inequality in education
    overthrow patriarchy - removal of gender differences and divisions inside and outside schools, no gendered subject choices and women should be equal to men in world of work
    unattainable, built into society, experiences of gender inequality varies for everyone
  • postmodern view on society
    society is characterised by choice, diversity, risk and uncertainty - individuals no longer follow fixed roles
    metanarratives of modern identities have been replaced with a pick and mix, fluid and lifestyle based set of hybrid identities
  • postmodern view on education
    'one-size-fits-all' approach to education is outdated
    no one type of school or learning can meet the diverse needs and identities of individuals today
    value consensus/universalistic standards are irrelevant as are structural conflicts between large social groups
    education needs to be customised and flexible - tailored to meet the needs of individual learners and the consumer/identity interests of parents
  • Usher (1997)

    study called Adult Education and the Postmodern challenge
    identified 5 characteristics of education in postmodern society
    1. diverse and customised to individual learners' needs
    2. controlled by local communities
    3. flexible e.g. distance learning via internet
    4. lifelong - individuals constantly update their skills in response to changing needs of economy
    5. learner is active and learns through their own experience