combination and decomposition reactions

Cards (36)

  • In a synthesis or combination reaction, two or more simple substances combine to form a more complex substance.
  • Two or more reactants yielding one product is another way to identify a synthesis reaction
  • combination of a METAL with OXYGEN
    metal + oxygenmetallic oxide
  • combination of a NONMETAL with OXYGEN
    nonmetal + oxygennonmetallic oxide
  • combination of TWO METALS
    nonmetal + nonmetalbinary molecular compound
  • ammonia is NH3
  • combination of an ELEMENT with a COMPOUND
    element + compoundnew compound
  • combination of TWO COMPOUNDS (1)
    metallic oxide + watermetallic hydroxide (base)
  • combination of TWO COMPOUNDS (2)
    nonmetallic oxide + wateracid
  • combination of TWO COMPOUNDS
    metallic oxide + nonmetallic oxidesalt
  • In a decomposition reaction, a more complex substance breaks down into its more simple parts. One reactant yields 2 or more products.
  • Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites
  • the delta above the arrow indicates that heat must be present
  • in most cases, heat is used to decompose a compound. in some cases, electricity is needed for decomposition reactions to take place
  • decomposition of METALLIC OXIDES
    metallic oxide → ∆ metal + oxygen
  • decomposition of NONMETALLIC OXIDES
    nonmetallic oxide → ∆ nonmetal + oxygen
  • decomposition of CARBONATES
    metallic carbonate → ∆ metallic oxide + carbon dioxide
  • decomposition of CHLORATES
    metallic chlorate → ∆ metallic chloride + oxygen
  • decomposition of BICARBONATES
    metallic bicarbonate → ∆ metallic carbonate + water + carbon dioxide
  • decomposition of HYDRATES
    compoundhydrate (H2O) → ∆ compound + water
  • A hydrate is a hydrated salt or a compound composed of a salt chemically attached to a certain number or water molecules
  • A dot (∙) is used to indicate the chemical attachment of a number of molecules of water to a salt.
  • A salt to which no molecules of water are attached is called "anhydrous" salt
  • 1 - mono
  • 2 - di
  • 3 - tri
  • 4 - tetra
  • 5 - penta
  • 6 - hexa
  • 7 - hepta
  • 8 - octa
  • 9 - nona
  • 10 - deca
  • ate - ic
  • ite - ous
  • ide - hydro + ic