Cards (10)

  • What is a ECG?
    A trace of changes produced by the heart, detected by electrodes on the skin
  • Label this ECG
    A) P
    B) Q
    C) R
    D) S
    E) T
    F) PR interval
    G) QRS complex
    H) ST segment
  • What is the P wave?
    Wave of depolarisation from the sinoatrial node of the atrial walls (atrial systole)
  • What is the QRS complex?
    depolarisation/contraction of the ventricular walls causing ventricular systole
  • What is the T wave?
    repolarisation of ventricular walls during ventricular diastole
  • What is the isoelectric line?
    The baseline of the trace. It is in between the T wave and P wave of the next cycle
  • How is atrial fibrillation shown on an ECG?
    Rapid heart rate and lack of P wave
  • How is a heart attack shown on an ECG?
    Wide QRS complex
  • How are enlarged ventricle walls shown on an ECG?
    QRS complex with greater voltage change
  • How is insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle shown on an ECG?
    -changes of height of T wave and length of ST segment
    -may be related to lack of blood flow and are signs of blocked coronary arteries and atherosclerosis