Cards (13)

  • lest the devil cross my prayer,
    for here he comes in the likeness of a Jew.
    Solanio - prejudice
  • You knew, none so well, none so well as you
    Shylock - about Jessica‘s escape
  • That’s certain; I for my part knew the tailor that made the
    wings she flew withal.
    Salarino- ruthless, caesura, metaphor, unapologetic, prose
  • To bait fish withal; if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my
    Shylock - in response to why he needs Antonio’s flesh, prose, assonance, repetition, metaphor
  • He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses
    Shylock - listing, alliteration
  • and what’s his reason? I am a Jew.
    Shylock - hypophora, monosyllabic, prose
  • Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions…?

    Shylock - rhetorical questions, listing, prose
  • If you prick us, do
    we not bleed?

    Shylock - listing , rhetorical questions, prose
  • Revenge.
    Why, revenge! 

    Shylock - hypophora, repetition
  • Here comes another of the tribe; a third cannot be matched,
    unless the devil himself turn Jew
    Solanio - metaphor, hyperbole, prose
  • I would my daughter
    were dead at my foot… would she were hearsed at my foot?

    Shylock - repetition, Elizabethan audience would compare Shylock‘s treatment of Jessica to Antonio’s treatment of friends
  • I thank God, I thank God. Is it true, is it true?

    Shylock - repetition
  • I am very glad of it. I’ll plague him, I’ll torture him. I am
    glad of it. 

    Shylock - listing, repetition, prose