Cards (26)

  • Marxists see crime as a means of social control by the ruling class
  • Police, justice systems, prisons, family, religions, and school all enforce punishments for non-conforming to the rules set by the bourgeoisie
  • Marxism says that white collar crime is ignored and less powerful people are focused on and, therefore, more likely to be caught
  • Marxists believe that different social classes are policed differently
  • Marxism believes that the working class are more heavily policed
  • Marixms argues that working class are expected to be more criminal, and therefore more likely to be caught and then an amplification cycle ensues
  • Marxists believe that the government fabricate statistics to get the public on their side and suit their purposes
  • Marxists believe crime is a result of inequality and poverty
  • Marxists say that on average 42% of government statistics are false and misleading
  • Capitalism is an economic society in which all f the production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is controlled by individual companies
  • Capitalist companies exist to make money only
  • Ruling capitalist class
  • Working class
  • Bourgeoisie exploit the labour of the proletariat for money
  • Capitalist industries work to maintain the inequality and exploitation of the working class
  • The criminal justice system and the law maintain the inequalities and exploitation of the working class the most
  • Crime is inevitable in a capitalist society
  • Capitalistic societies are criminogenic
  • Criminogenic
    A crime causing system
  • Exploitation of the proletariat drives them to poverty
  • Examples of exploitation of the proletariat are minimum wage and 0 hour contracts
  • Capitalistic society pushes products through advertising to those who cannot buy the goods
  • Advertisement of luxury items out of the working class' reach leads to crime rates increasing in order for the working class to obtain them
  • Inequality causes feelings of alienation and frustration, which leads to crimes
  • Capitalism causes crime amongst the bourgeoisie themselves
    • Profit motives promote greed
    • Encourages corporate crimes
  • Capitalism is a crime but it also causes crime too