13 people fell ill & 6 later died after eating a Blunzen (sausage made by packing blood & other ingredients into a pig's stomach, boiled & smoked: stable at room temp for several weeks)
Botulism is extremely rare but when it does occur it is often 20-50% fatal, depend on various factors: toxin type, amount ingested, type of food, speed of treatment
Initial stage occurs between 8h to 8 days (average: 12-48h) after consumption of the toxin-containing food, GI disorders, Neurological Symptoms, Paralysis of different involuntary muscles that spreads to the lungs & heart, Death usually results from respiratory failure
In US, botulism outbreaks occurred from 1973 to 1987 - 231 botulism outbreaks, 56 occurred at home, A large number of outbreak were associated with canned fruits & low-acid vegetables
Common contaminant in fish products, which have been poorly eviscerated and/or self-salted at home. Contamination in commercial fish products has also been reported.
Smoked fish consumed without reheating - Hot-smoked fish: antimicrobial effect of heat, salt, smoke chemical, surface drying had been reduced in line with the perceived consumer preference for less strong flavored product.
Early 1960's, two outbreaks in North America: type E associated with vacuum-packed, hot-smoked fish caused considerable alarm & led to Canada banning the importation of all types of packaged fish.