Produced by several spp. of Penicillium & Aspergillus
Toxin production at min aw 0.81, also in lower temperatures (0–24°C)
In 1942: potentially useful antibiotic w. wide spectrum of activity
In 1959, recognized as mycotoxin after an outbreak of poisoning of cattle, being fed on germinated barley malt sprouts
Symptoms: acute (lung & brain edema, liver & kidney damage, and toxicity to the immune system), chronic (neurotoxic, teratogenic, immunotoxic, skin lesion & cancer)
Some outbreaks are associated with badly stored materials such as apples infected with P. expansum (chapter 5: blue mold, soft rot)
Fresh apple juice: limit of 50g/l
The presence of patulin in fruit juice is a useful indicator of very poor quality of fruits used in its manufacture
Stable at relatively low pH, but destroyed during the fermentation of apple juice to cider