
Subdecks (8)

Cards (335)

  • All life on Earth shares a common chemistry. This provides indirect evidence for evolution.
  • Despite their great variety, the cells of all living organisms contain only a few groups of carbon based (organic) compounds that interact in similar ways.
  • Carbohydrates
    Commonly used by cells as respiratory substrates. They also form structural components in plasma membranes and cell walls.
  • Monomers
    Small identical or similar molecules which can be condensed (joined/linked together) to make larger molecules called polymers.
  • Polymers
    Large molecules made from joining many (3 or more) identical or similar monomers together.
  • Monomer linking into polymers
    1. Condensation reaction
    2. Removal of one water molecule
    3. Forms a bond
  • Polymer breakdown into monomers
    1. Hydrolysis reaction
    2. Addition of one water molecule
    3. Breaks the bond between two monomers
  • Carbohydrate structure

    Elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
    Ratio of H:O is 2:1
    Generic formula: (CH2O)n when n=3 to 7
  • Monosaccharides
    Carbohydrate monomers that can join together in condensation reactions to create disaccharides and polysaccharides
  • Monosaccharides
    • Glucose, galactose, fructose
  • Alpha glucose

    Chemical formula: C6H12O6
    Structure shown with carbon atoms numbered
  • Bonds between glucose molecules often refer to the carbon atom the bond attaches to, e.g. 1-4 glycosidic bond.
  • Condensation reaction between monosaccharides
    1. Two monosaccharides (glucose) join
    2. Forms a disaccharide (maltose)
    3. Releases one water molecule
  • Glycosidic bond

    Bond that forms between monosaccharides in a condensation reaction
  • Disaccharides
    • Maltose, lactose, sucrose
  • Hydrolysis of disaccharides
    1. Disaccharide (maltose) + water
    2. Yields two monosaccharides (glucose)
    3. Glycosidic bond is broken
  • Carbohydrates
    • Monosaccharides
    • Disaccharides
    • Polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, cellulose)
  • Starch
    • Long, linear chains of alpha glucose
    Coils into a helix
    Compact structure good for storage
    Insoluble so doesn't affect water potential
    Large so can't diffuse out of cells
  • Amylopectin
    • Branched chain of alpha glucose
    1. 4 and 1-6 glycosidic bonds
    Large surface area for rapid hydrolysis by enzymes
    Insoluble so doesn't affect water potential
    Large so can't diffuse out of cells
  • Glycogen
    • Similar to starch but with shorter chains and more branching
    Larger surface area for rapid hydrolysis into glucose
    Stored in muscles and liver
    Insoluble so doesn't affect water potential
  • Alpha glucose is the monomer found in starch and glycogen. Beta glucose is the monomer found in cellulose.
  • Cellulose
    • Long, straight, unbranched chains of beta glucose
    Every other beta glucose rotates 180 degrees
    Chains held together by hydrogen bonds to form microfibrils/macrofibrils
    Provides strength and support to plant cell walls
  • The structure of cellulose
    Is related to its role in providing strength and support to plant cell walls
  • Hydrogen bonds are important in cellulose molecules as they hold the chains/cellulose molecules together, providing strength and rigidity.
  • Benedict's test for reducing sugars

    Add Benedict's solution, heat to 95°C
    Colour change to green/yellow/orange/red precipitate indicates reducing sugars
  • If no colour change in Benedict's test, could indicate presence of non-reducing sugars.
  • Benedict's test for non-reducing sugars

    If no change in Benedict's test for reducing sugars, then heat the solution further
  • Two reducing sugar solutions (A and B) have an enzyme added
    After 20 minutes, solution B had twice as much precipitate as A
  • Precipitate
    Shows reducing sugar present
  • Benedict's test for reducing sugars
    1. 2 different reducing sugar solutions (A & B) of the same concentration have an enzyme added
    2. Solution B had twice as much precipitate than A after 20 minutes
  • Suggest why solution B had twice as much precipitate than A after 20 minutes
  • Benedict's test for Non-Reducing Sugar

    Sucrose is the only NR sugar you need to know however there are others
  • Steps to show a non-reducing sugar is present
    1. Heat a sample with acid for a few minutes to hydrolyse the glycosidic bonds
    2. Neutralise the solution with an alkali
    3. Heat again with Benedict's reagent
    4. Brick red precipitate shows a positive result
  • The Benedict's test is only a semi-quantitative test for sugars
  • Colorimeter
    Quantitative test that measures the intensity of light transmitted through a solution/sample
  • Standardising the method for colorimeter
    1. Shake samples before testing
    2. Zero the colorimeter before use
    3. Use the same filter throughout
    4. Use same volume for each reading
  • Arbitrary unit (AU)

    Unit used to measure absorbance in a colorimeter
  • Producing a calibration curve for an unknown reducing sugar
    1. Make up known concentrations of the sugar
    2. Carry out Benedict's test on each sample
    3. Measure absorbance/transmission with colorimeter
    4. Plot calibration curve with concentration on X axis and absorbance/transmission on Y
    5. Find unknown concentration from calibration curve
  • Testing for starch
    1. Add potassium iodide (KI) solution
    2. Blue-black colour indicates presence of starch
  • Triglycerides
    Storage molecules made from glycerol and 3 fatty acids