A complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct and derive meaning. It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing of information and ideas.
Rhea read the short story "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry from her English Textbook. She understood the story enough to retell what she has read to her partner with their homework and enough to write a summary of it.
Mapping is a method that uses comprehension/concentration skills and evolves in a note taking form which relates each fact or idea to every other fact or idea
Mapping is a graphic representation of the content of a lecture
It is a method that maximizes active participation, affords immediate knowledge as to its understanding, and emphasizes critical thinking
A blueprint of some more elaborate written structure. Its function is to help the writer construct a more unified and a better organized idea of a composition or essay.
A summary that gives the essential features of a text. It shows how the parts of a text are related to one another as parts that are of equal importance, or sections that are subordinate to the main idea. It is also used as a guide to organizing your ideas before writing an essay.
The Romannumeraloutline is widely used in schools and industries. The Dewey decimal outline is frequently observed in engineering, research, and technically-oriented fields. The alphanumeric outline is usually utilized in government institutions.