Health and Disease

Cards (10)

  • Communicable diseases are infections caused by pathogens that can spread.
  • Non-Communicable diseases are not infectious - they cant be passed on and are normally inherited.
  • Non-communicable diseases can cause, Poor Immune system, means higher risk of being infected by a communicable disease.
  • Health is the state of Physical and Mental Wellbeing.
  • Impacts of Diseases: Immune systems triggering allergic reactions, growth of cancers, mental health issues.
  • Factors affecting health: Poor diet - eating too little or much and not enough nutrients. Stress and your Life Situation - finance, ethnic group, acess to healthcare.
  • Risk Factors for Non-communicable disease: Aspects of your life - what you eat (eating too much sugar -diabetes, coronary heart disease), surroundings: building material (asbestos).
  • Risk factors causing disease 1) Smoking - Causing Lung cancer (damages cells in lining), damages wall of arteries.
  • Risk factors causing disease 2) Obesity - Type 2 Diabetes: body less sensitive to insulin meaning body cant control glucose concentration in blood.
  • Risk factors causing disease 3) Alcohol - damages nerve cells in brain and causes lung disease.