Unit 5 - Food

Cards (16)

  • The Invisible Tragedy

    40 million people die from starvation or disease caused by malnutrition
    - more than 100,000 people everyday
  • The Green Revolution

    - Land breeders produced new strains of plants
    - Chemists produced pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers
    - Engineers extended our irrigation system worldwide, more than DOUBLING the area under the irrigation from 100 million hectares to 250 million hectares between 1959 & 1990
  • The Green Revolution - Production Levels
    - food output doubled, 40% increase per capita
    - decreased by 12%
    - Seafood production increased by 126% per capita
    - decreased by 9%
    - Meat production increased by 36%
    - decreased by 13%
  • Long Term Problems and Challenges
    1. Feed 8 billion people now
    2. Feed 9-10 billion people in the next 30-40 years
    3. Do 1 and 2 without destroying the world's ecosystem
  • Problems to Overcome

    - Soil Erosion
    - Desertification
    - Depletion of Soil Nutrients
    - High Energy Costs
    - Ground Water Depletion
    - Competition for Water
    - Conversion of Farmland
    - Pests and Diseases
    - Politics
  • Problems to Overcome - Soil Erosion
    - healthy soil is a complex mix of inorganic and organic matter
    - slit
    - clay
    - sand gravel
    - organic matter
    - wind water
    - overgrazing
  • Problems to Overcome - Desertification
    12 million hectares are lost/yr
  • Problems to Overcome - Depletion of Soil Nutrients
    nutrients must be replaced with fertilizers made of FF
  • Problems to Overcome - High Energy Costs
    - fuel powers the farm machinery
    - electricity, oil, and natural gas run the food processing plants
    - natural gas is the chemical feedstock for the pesticide industry
    - fuel power shipping
    - up to 10x FF for each unit of energy produced
  • Problems to Overcome - Ground Water Depletion
    - reduction around the globe of 1 m/yr
    - natural replacement of 10cm-50cm a year
  • Problems to Overcome - Pests & Diseases
    rats, mice, insects, birds, bacteria and fungus destroy between30-40%of the total agricultural output- % is higher in LDC's
  • Canadian Food Loss

    - On Farm - 10%
    - Processing - 20%
    - Transportation and Distribution - 4%
    - Restaurants and Hotels - 9%
    - Retail - 10%
    - Consumers - 47%
  • Problems to Overcome - Politics
    - war and rebellions (can affect access and production of food)
    - Farm Surplus Disposal Act
    - Central Policy Decisions - Russia
  • GMO's

    - inject the gene of interest into the DNA of your target cell
    - was first used for medicine
    - insulin (used to treat diabetics)
  • 2 Issues with GMO's
    1. Human Health
    - toxic compounds i.e. potatoes with BT
    - immune system issues i.e. Canola (allergies)
    2. Ecosystem
    - new organisms in the wild i.e. Canola
    - toxic effects on non target species i.e. BT and the Monarch Butterfly
  • Solutions for GMO's

    1. Labeling
    - are 20% cheaper
    - immune system issues are solved by labeling
    2. Neutral Testing
    - separate testing from promotion (no bias)