the process where people internalize and learn their culture
They do so by:
- engaging in or disengaging from a role
- becoming aware of themselves as they interact with others
Explicit Socialization
purposeful, declarative, INSTRUCTION of social knowledge
Implicit Socialization
automatic, unconsciousTRANSMISSION of social knowledge
Primary Socialization
the process of acquiring the basicskills needed to function in society, usually in the context of the family
- language
- basic rules of social interaction
- limits of acceptable behavior
- "don'thit," "share," " be nice"
Secondary Socialization
explicit and implicit socialization that occurs outside the context of a child's primary social environment (which is usually the family)
Secondary Socialization at schools occurs via 2 distinct sources of social knowledge
1. Authority Figures
2. Peer Groups - groups of people who are similar in age and social status
- within these groups, members collectively process and engage with the social knowledge they receive from primary socialization (and secondary socialization via authority figures)
BiologicalDeterminism ('nature" limit position)
genetics and the biological systems they produce is what gives people particular qualities:
- temperament
- intelligence
- behavioral traits
Empiricism ("nurture" limit position)
people's experiences are the reason for the way they develop
Problems with Testing Nature vs. Nurture Empirically
- can't be tested experimentally
- people's experiences are mixed up in the social world
Sources of Socialization
- the most important source of socialization in earlychildhood, is face to face interactions with other people
Other Sources Include:
- Children's Literature
- Mass Media
- Social Media
Gender Socialization
the process of learning and internalizinggenderdifferentiation