What are the four issues a researcher must consider when creating survey questions?
Survey questions must be developed.
Survey questions must be assembled and organised.
Identification of the sample.
It must be decided howthesurvey will be administered.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of survey research?
Strength: Researchers can obtaininformation about a widevarietyvariables. They're easy and efficient to gather largeamount of information – it provides flexibility.
Weaknesses: Lowresponserates, non-responsebias, and socialdesirabilitybias.
A low number of individuals who complete the survey compared to the number of individuals who were invited to complete the survey.
People who complete the survey are a self-selected group that may not be representative of the population.
Social Desirability Bias
The tendency to give sociallyacceptableanswers, even if it's nottrue.