Social Structure + Institutions

Cards (17)

  • Networks
    a set of social individuals that are linked by communicative acts
    - economic exchange
    - friendship
    - employment relationships
    - family relationships
  • Node
    an individual point of contact
  • Dyad
    a social relationship between 2 nodes (people)
    - is the most basic unit of network structure
  • Triad
    a social relationship between 3 nodes
  • Network Analysis
    reveals the objective structure of a social group, without necessitating any analysis on the CONTENT of the interaction
    - number of nodes + connections
  • Centrality
    number of connections is relative to the structure as a whole
    (the node with the highest connections has the highest centrality
  • Path Distance
    how many connections one would need to get through from one node to another
  • Social Capital
    the networks or connections that people have
    - isn't just about connections, but also about the QUALITY of connections (which isn't relevant to network centrality)
    - Increased network centrality = increased social capital
    - people lean on their social capital when they need their networks for their own benefit (ex: asking for a favour)
  • The Strength of Weak Ties
    - Granovettor found that job seekers with a network of weak ties were linked to being hired
    - the quantity of the weak ties over the quality of those ties has been found to be better for finding jobs
  • Informal Spontaneous Networks
    - are sensitive to structural change
    - Node Positions: identical to individuals who occupy the position
    Ex: before Facebook was created
  • Stable Formal Networks
    Node Positions = organizational roles
    Ex: after Facebook was created
  • Organizations
    - collectivities characterized by structure that encourage patterns in individual action (can replace people in a position)
    - because the structure of the network is stable, it becomes independent from the people who occupy the network
  • Institutions
    made up of multiple organizations that are formally networked
  • Institutionalization
    when networks are at first informal, become formally organized, and formally recognized
    - is both structural and cultural
  • Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO's)

    - operate regionally
    - tasked with identifying potential organ donors
    - requesting donation from family members
  • United Network for Organ sharing (UNO's)

    - manages waitlist
    - allocates organs
  • Network Constraint
    when you can't connect to other structures and need bridging connections to reach a structural whole
    • Increased Centrality = decrease in network constraint
    • Increase in Proximity to Structural Whole = decrease in network constraint
    • High Network Constraint = low salary, less promotion raises