
Cards (8)

  • Firewall
    A device or software that monitors networks and filters messages sent over these networks based on certain rules determined by the network owner
  • The name "firewall" comes from the analogy of a physical firewall in a house, which stops a fire from spreading between rooms
  • Firewall
    • Stops malicious messages, such as denial of service messages or messages containing malware, from spreading from the internet to internal networks
  • How a firewall works
    1. Checks messages against a blacklist or whitelist of allowed/blocked websites, countries, etc.
    2. Blocks messages that do not adhere to the rules
  • Firewall setup
    • Laptop connected to firewall, connected to router
    • Firewall can be a standalone hardware device or software on a computer
  • Attacker tries to send malware
    Firewall blocks the message from reaching the computer
  • Software firewall
    • More common than hardware firewall
    • Runs on the computer, so attacker can still reach the computer if the firewall is breached
  • Hardware firewall

    • Safer than software firewall as attacker cannot directly reach the computer
    • More expensive and harder to set up than software firewall