A research design that includes two or more independent variables. These independent variables are called factors.
An interaction exists between the factors when the effects of one factor depend on the different levels of a second factor.
The effect that each independent variable by itself has on the dependent variable (the effect of one independent variable is averaged over the levels of the other independent variables.
IV x PV Design
Factorialdesign including bothexperimental (manipulated) and non-experimental (measured/manipulated) variables.
Useful to look at the combinedeffect of a situational variable and a personality variable on behaviour.
Researchers need be cautious making causalclaims involving the participant variable.
The same participants are assigned to all conditions in the experiment.
IndependentGroups Design: Different participants will be assigned to different conditions.
RepeatedMeasures Design: The sample people will participate in all the conditions.
IV x PV: Different people vertically, same people horizontally. People in each row will experience two different variables